Volunteers from the Chamber of Commerce of Ladonia spent Saturday afternoon, April 6, 2024 ironing 200+ fierce Fannindel Falcon logos to polo shirts. Thanks to Chamber of Commerce of Ladonia VIP Business Members Danielle Rusthoven, head of US design at Massod Textile Mills, for accessing these nice shirts AND Sheree Renee with Ladonia’s, To A Tee Design’s for allowing us use of their space and equipment. And many thanks to Danielle Rusthoven, Cheryl McClure, Carol Duckworth, and Sophia Peterson for the great work in putting the finishing touches on this batch of shirts!
For 6 years, the Chamber has contributed a school shirt to every student and faculty member of Fannindel ISD. At the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, these shirts will be donated to help promote school spirit, pride and unity. Chamber fundraisers like the upcoming Annual Banquet and 20 Mile Market provide funds for us to assist our community, neighbors and schools. Thank you for your support! GO FALCONS!

Your Fannindel Fighting Falcons Polo Shirt Crew!
(front) Danielle Rusthoven
(back) Cheryl McClure, Sophia Peterson, Carol Duckworth