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In Memoriam - In memory of....

Gail Levey
Ground Up Organics

   Her story...

How often do we get to realize our life's dream? After searching for just the right piece of property in central and northern California for years with no luck, I ran a nation-wide Google search for the homestead of my dreams. The very first search returned a simple ranch house on 5 acres with Bradford pears in front of the home - in Texas! Bradford pears were my dad's favorite ornamental tree, it was a sign! Best of all, the home was located just outside of a very small town located far enough away from a major metropolitan area to make my heart happy.

I called the real estate agent and made an offer that day, then began making plans to move to Ladonia, Texas to plant and grow Ground Up Organics, a sustainable farming operation using no harmful chemicals, but following restorative agriculture leader Joel Salatin and the humane wisdom of Dr. Temple Grandin. Holistic land management and humane animal husbandry practices, self-sustaining, earth-wise and responsible.

Moving here was the greatest gift. I didn't expect to be warmly welcomed, but the neighbors on the next property treat me like family and everyone I have come to know have been so kind. Once I was settled in, I joined the Chamber of Commerce of Ladonia. I've belonged to chambers in the past, both small and large, and small-town chambers are so much more than just business promoters, they are more civic oriented and all volunteer.

The Chamber of Commerce of Ladonia is the perfect place for people who have their community at heart. The vision of the chamber is to help shape the future of this small town in order to keep the small town feel while encouraging the types of businesses which can help our small faded town become vibrant, rich in the arts, music, good clean food, fun, family operated businesses which succeed enough to support the family and a small town too.

I look forward to a future in a thriving, creative, small town, where my granddaughter can learn the value of life and community right here in Ladonia.